Monday, February 16, 2009


For me, fighting on in this economic recession is more intensifies rather than find the way to damage your enemy in political game. Everybody know that is global economic very cold nowaday. So rather than wasting the time to demoralize the Opposition. Yes, Elizabeth Wong could be justified as if not morally honor with her manner, but again it's done in her private space. So just focus the main issue, who's spread out the pic?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Fat: honestly fat always intimidated me in every situation. Even i've most suitable BMI but i like to devour food ravenously. It simple to savour a food.

Take this steps:
1. When u eat sugarly and salty substance, make sure you take a lot of plain water.
2. It's ok to devour cholesterol food once a week. But diet on another day.
3. Eat fruit and vegy a lot. Eat fruit before main meal.
4. Bread is always good.
5. Exercise 3 times a week. Make sure your cardio works good.

And at last, u will become healthy if not wealthy person.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Words is life and describle. Sentence are constituent of words.Even we are using same word but different place, that word do not give the same congruent.Savvy?

But when it's goes to barrack obama and the previous-previous US president that is just same. Nothing different. Words and sentences might be different, but the meanings is always same.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


There are very intimate correlation between Malay and its King. But nowaday, we live in democtaric system and under constitution,citizen has their won right to choose their leader. For once again our system will be tested.